We are 23% SHiNE, a streamer group made up of friends who just want to chill and play games!

I'm Wren (They/Them) the Komainu-a non-binary lesbian.
I'm a variety streamer and artist looking to have fun.

Hello, I'm Choo (They/Them) the Lantana Flower VTuber!
I play games VERY poorly.

Hello, I'm Doctor (He/Him) the token character who sometimes says funny things.
I speedrun and play a lot of Touhou.

Hello, I'm Sapphire (She/Her) and legally I am not Jersey-kun but actually a potato.
As a potato I'm looking to gitgud at video games.

Hello, I'm Sandwich (He/Him) the Tiger, and very unrionically a big gay.
I'm also incredibly dense and food motivated.

Meet Kasha (They/Them) the mascot of 23% SHiNE! A messenger of hell with shimmering fire covering their body. They also keep track of group assets!